Affordable Chicken Coop: One of the most factors to be noticed and considered while building a chicken coop by yourself involves carefully considering the material quality. And, build a coop which is flawlessly predator-free. ... This chicken coop plan is equipped with all the checklist items that you must keep in mind while building a coop for
Plus the plans were dirt cheap with a money-back guarantee so that didn't hurt my decision to buy them. About These Chicken Coop Plans "Building a Chicken Coop", an eBook written by Bill Keene, is jam-packed with coop plans that were made for someone like me. I’m someone who just never cared to make anything with wood until I saw the
Advantages of Building your Own Chicken Coop. The easiest and most plentiful material for coop building is wood. If you do decide to build your own coop, you can save a lot of money by using stuff that is freely available, such as wooden pallets. Businesses give pallets away free just to get rid of them.
Remember, a really good, functional chicken coop for your backyard hens is made of non-toxic materials, is predator-proof (think hardware cloth instead of chicken wire), and is well ventilated for good airflow. A well-planned chicken house also has easy access for cleaning and to collect fresh eggs.